When every risk's a paper risk/ when every toe and tac and tic is underlined and scored/ I'll bet you're bored.
Oh My God!!
Not for the faint-of-heart. Or for those who detest the "C" word.
Although, come to think of it, I hate the "C" word with a passion and I found this hysterical.
And telling.
Very very telling.
One of these beauties is a friend of mine.
A close enough friend that I've even got a cameo appearance in the film itsef.
If you ever get to see the entire film - and you're looking for me - I'll be the one backstage at the strip club - helping the stripper decide which clothes to take off.
(Ha! You laugh - but it's not as easy as you think. There's a lot of planning before disrobing that most of us never even consider.)
Who knows, if I can't make it in the poetry business perhaps there'll be a film career in my future.
Makes me want to be identified as anything but a middle aged white woman.
It would be laughable if it weren't quite so embarassing.
I wonder if she was there with "Women Count?" You know - the ones who claim to speak for all of us.